Laboratory of Environmental Communication & Audiovisual Documentation ISO 9001:2015
Escape Lab Τμήμα Αρχιτεκτόνων Μηχανικών Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλίας

The field of Information and Communication technologies application in education covers three sectors:

  • The Department of Architecture curriculum, both undergraduate and post-graduate
  • The Intra-University Postgraduate courses of studies (Master) of “Information and Communication Technologies for Education” co-organized by the Department of Architecture with the partnership of the Faculty of Early Childhood Education of University of Athens, the Faculty of Communication and Mass Media Studies of University of Athens and the Faculty of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (UWA) University of West Attica.
  • Collaboration in educational applications with laboratories and departments of the University of Thessaly.
  • Development of collaboration networks in Greece and abroad.

In the field of education is included the preparation of undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral and post-doctoral research studies in areas related to Lecad’s research orientations, aiming to the direct relation between research and education process.

Furthermore, a series of educational collective applications are being developed focusing on exploring ways of capturing the experience of the city, based on a socio-cultural approach and the creative action tradition.

The emphasis on both creativity and practice results from the acceptance of the position that experience represents a special unique quality of reality.

These applications take place within the curriculum of the Department of Architecture, in collaboration with other UTH departments or with other university departments and research centers.

2021. Organization of Symposium: "And yet it moves: Augmented Narrations"on Friday, 8th of October 2021, Dept. of Architecture, Volos.
2019. Organization of Symposium: "And yet it moves: Consumable Bodies", from the 6th till the 7th of November 2019, Dept. of Architecture, Volos.
2018. Organization of Symposium: "And yet it moves 2018: Education, Animation and Augmented Reality", on Friday 18th of May 2018, Dept. of Architecture, Volos.
2017. Organization of Symposium: "And yet it moves: Education and Animation", on Friday 5th of May 2015, Dept. of Architecture, Volos.
2016. In parthnership with the Ambiances International Network. 21-24/09/2016
2016. On the occasion of the celebration of 70 years of Greek Animation, the symposium aims at presenting the educational practices related to social and public awareness issues as well as creating a meeting point for Greek artists in order to enhance and promote the Greek production of animated films. Department of Architecture,  Volos on Friday, 27th of May 2016.
2016. Friday 10th of June 2016, Dept. ARCH Amphitheatre
2015. Organization of Symposium: "And yet it moves - 1st Animation Marathon", on Friday 4th of December 2015, Dept. of Architecture, Volos.
2015. Organization of Symposium: "And yet it moves: Approaching space through animation", on Friday 29th of May 2015, Dept. of Architecture, Volos.
2013. Databases represent an abstract process of organising information, a potentially powerful categorisation system providing a range of options for viewing, navigating and searching. On the other hand, a database represents a logic of organising knowledge, a model of structuring our experience, thus emerging as a cultural form. The Symposium readdresses the notion of narration in the context of a multimedia database (textual, iconic, cinematic, audio).
2013. We are welcoming the NoTours workshop proposed by the spanish collective of artists and sound engineers The aim of the workshop is to create a sound walk in the public spaces of Volos. Participants will create a soundwalk and will experiment it in real public spaces where it has been created for.
2013. Five-day workshop between Friday 12 and Wednesday 17 April 2013.
2013. Organization of a meeting on "Audiovisual Media and Education" within the 8th Animation Film Festival animfest 2013.
2012. Exhibition and Symposium: “TRAVELING IN TIME THROUGH ART”. Presentation of the works of children that participated in an arts workshop, “A travelogue through the Worlds of Art and History”, organized by artist Christina Nakou, during 2010-2011.
2012. The conference is contributing in the creation of an interdisciplinary community of researchers, working in the fields of oral history, memory studies and the biographical approach in the social sciences.
2012. Organization of a training seminar on Oral History on interviewing techniques and archiving digital media.
2011. Co organization of the workshop «Supportinga network of excellence in interactive art», within the framework of the International Symposium ISEA, organized by the Inter Society for the Electronic Arts, Istanbul, Turkey, September 2011.
2010. A workshop of collaborative making of music through improvisation and composition. The aim is to document and research the ways in which student teachers traditionally identified as 'non-musicians', develop their identity music-makers through a sustained effort to create, discuss and record their own music.
2009. The current project started with these abandoned building-skeletons and consists of four parts: Events, Elements of space, Objects, Unstructured thoughts and analysis.
2008. A musical-visual happening, at the International Interdisciplinary Conference «Lived Experience, Metaphor and Multimodality: Implications, In communication, Education, Learning and Knowledge»., Department of Preschool Education, University of Crete, Rethymno, Crete, October 10-12. Fragments of multimodal experiences of the city: creativity, transformation and Reframing.
2007-2011. Experimental music improvisation workshop exploring the boundaries between 'music' and 'non-musical' sounds as well as the notions such as landscape and urban sounds. In a second phase, the workshop focus on experimentation with sounds and objects in the in the immediate environment.
2006. The 24th International Conference eCAADe (Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe), with the  theme «Communicating Space(s)», organised at the University of Thessaly in September 2006
2006. The conference sought to bring forth the manner in which the adoption of representational techniques is influenced by the cultural values of each era, shapes the perception of reality, borrows representational techniques, images and concepts from the field of science and the arts, thus leading to the development of new concepts and notions.
2005. Ιnterdisciplinary and Interuniversity Postgraduate Programme that explores the changes brought about by ICT in the way of thinking, in the perceptual process and the representational means, identifying the barriers to their effective use in education and ways of overcoming the barriers as well as the future of formal and informal learning in the digital era.