The field of Documentation includes the recording and organization of the multimodal elements and the environmental experiences in data bases, aiming at their post-processing. In this application field there is a wide range of research areas that Lecad materializes, focusing on:
- Volos urban soundscape database
- Development of a 3d digital model of the Palia district of Volos that will serve as the background for the reception of different databases as well as a tool of communication with the citizens of Volos
- Creation of an audiovisual archival material database of the post-war architecture and city in Greece with the objective of developing a codification of descriptive metadata concerning spatial, stylistic and narrative characteristics. In the future, these data could be used by locative media networks.
Towards the study of the city of Volos, Lecad collaborates systematically with the Municipality of Volos in a range of subjects of study of the urban environment and more systematically in the design of the future museum of the city. The two institutions already collaborate in the Thales research program, co-financed by the Hellenic Ministry of Education (ESPA) and the European Union (ESF).

This pilot application is a multifaceted project of documentation and propagation - through the Internet - of a great number of audiovisual projects of the 1950-2010 period.

The original recording of the soundscape in the area of Palia of the city of Volos, within the framework of this pilot application, includes the recording of general sonic atmospheres, which describe the city during a specific time zone of the day. More specifically, the sonic atmospheres at every street intersection in the area of Palia were recorded. In all, 88 sound files of an approximate five (5) - minute duration, as well as the corresponding one-minute videos were made. The sound files and the videos are organized in a database and can be found on the Internet.

Audiovisual documentation of everyday life and special events (festivities, parades, etc) in the city of Volos and elsewhere.

LECAD records systematically the educational process in the Department of Architecture, such as workshops, conferences, presentations and events, creating corresponding archives. This archive material is also subject to meta-data processing that gives feedback to the educational procedure.