Contemporary body -either as a theoretical construct or as a physical and emotional complexion- is not the same as a century ago, not even as it was twenty or ten years ago. Indeed, the emergence of augmented experience is materialized when the digital layer overlaps the physical environment, performing extended encounters between the body and its mind.Behaviours, desires, identities or temporal, liquid identifications have critically changed the understanding of human bodies´ cohabitability, especially in geographic, political or economic metropolises..

We have now acquired the possibility to transform ourselves, our bodies, with technology´s guidance, and we connect our lives with new rhizomatic conditions, which, although they do not come to seize human existence, manage to empower the interrelation with material reality as never before. Otherness and sameness are questioned and therefore the expendable meta-body is inscribed as a mean of performativity both in physical as in virtual environments. Complexity, temporality, connectivity and virtuality transcend the space-time embodied conditions of architecture, sweeping treasured ambitions and stored memories, projecting new practices of architectural design.

The research Disembody aims to combine aspects of contemporary architectural research into an experimentation on new processes of design; intents to associate digital architectural design with corporeal necessities-conditions.