Elena Mantzari holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics (University of Patras, 2011), a MSc in Machine Translation (UMIST, 1992) and a BA in Greek Language and Linguistics (University of Athens, 1989). Her research interests include: computational lexicography and terminology (lexica and mono/multilingual terminological thesauri for Language Technology systems and for human users), corpus related activities, pedagogical lexicography for human users, dictionary use, ICT in Education. She has collaborated as a senior researcher with Institute for Language and Speech Processing/ILSP-Athena RIC (1994-2001), UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS (2002-2011), OMEGA TECHNOLOGY (2005-2012), NEUROSOFT (2006-2007) and NEUROLINGO L.P. (2003-2016).
She has participated in various European and national R&D projects: a) on the design, development and processing of language resources (textual resources, ontologies, computational lexica) (IATROLEXI/EPAN II, LEXIS/LEXIS/EPET ΙΙ, LE-SIMPLE/LE2, LE-PAROLE/LE-2, PP-PAROLE/MLAP, Neurolingo Greek morphological lexicon, ILSP Greek morphological lexicon, ICAP Named entity extractor), b) on the design and development of language resources (controlled vocabularies and thesauri) supporting the documentation and retrieval of cultural content (E-ARCHIVE/PEP, PLASMA/EPAN II, ADAM/EPAN II), c) on ICT inclusion in education and minority education (Inspiring Science education/EU FP7, EDUCATION OF THE MUSLIM MINORITY CHILDREN IN THRACE/EPEAEK II/ ESPA 2007-2013).
In 2016-2017, she served as an adjunct lecturer at the University of Thessaly (Department of Primary Education) teaching “Linguistics and Greek language”. She is currently an adjunct academic staff at the Hellenic Open University, in the post-graduate joint course "Educational Sciences: Special Education and Education of People with Speaking and Writing Problems, teaching “Language development”.
She served as a Deputy Secretary General and Secretary of the General Scientific Council of the Hellenic Society for Terminology (ELETO) in the period 2001-2009 and as a member of the International Working Team WG3 (Structuring Systems) of TC37/SC2 responsible for the revision of the international ISO Standard 1951: 2012 "Presentation and Representation of Entries in Dictionaries" during 2001-2003.