
Building with music

Experimental music improvisation workshop, exploring the boundaries between 'music' and 'non-musical' sounds as well as notions such as landscape and urban sounds. In a second phase, the workshop focuses on experimentation with sounds and objects in the immediate environment.

What is music and what are its materials? Does silence exist? What are the criteria for distinguishing 'music' & 'non-musical' sounds? Under what conditions this differentiation can be set.

If “hearing is a phenomenon that belongs to the field of physiology” and listening "is a psychological action” (Barthes, 1985: 245)then what is the role of the cultural context in hearing. How do we understand the notion of landscape? How do we experience the sounds of the city. And what does mean Walter Ong’s phrase “Hearing can capture the interiority without violating it” (2001: 99)?.

During the workshop, these questions are raised, discussed, and then they are given a practical 'answer' experimenting with sounds and objects in the environment and trying to make a piece, which is then recorded. Many unexpected things can happen 'shaping' the sounds of a newspaper.


Workshop organization: Panayiotis Kanellopoulos, Preschool Education Department, University of Thessaly.

This workshop is addressed to first year students of architecture.